"When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out! The greatest thing you'll ever learn Is to love and be loved in return. It is the most beautiful feeling a human being can experience.."
I feel love cannot be expressed but only felt....and the experience varies from person to person....
You all might have seen many bollywood flicks which has only love as theirs' theme...Just by watching some one making love you feel so excited and all you energy rises up all of a sudden...
There is no one in this world who have not experienced love ....All are victims of it, you just cant escape it..
I believe everyone has their First love . First love is always special. It is special because you have never experienced such kind of a feeling before..People say Love is blind because you never know the reason why you fell in love. Your reason might sound silly for the others but you have your own answers to defend that...Like everyone i too had my first love....
This was 8 years ago , It was my first day in college. The day was bright and sunny , had never seen so many gals in my entire life in a single campus...I was excited, thrilled, amazed and a bit curious . I walked into the class full of strangers who are busy in getting acquainted with each other..I some how managed to gel up with few folks and started a decent conversation..We were standing in the corridor during our first break , Suddenly my friend walked out from the chat to talk to his friend..Gal with the most beautiful smile , cute looks and a fancy hairstlye..i was confused , i coudnt take my eyes off her . I kept staring as if i have never seen any gal in my entire life..Boss i was struck .Unknowingly i fell for her . I finally was in LOVE for the very first time in my entire life..it is such a great feeling, you are always pumped up, excited, never feel low, lost in your own world..i tell you it was one of the most beautiful moment in my life..
As the days passed on i some how managed to get her attention during our early hour breaks. I used to stare at her in the corridor and she used to do the same..we started talking to each other thru eyes...might sound very filmy but trust me it just happened. I used to spend hours in front of mirror dressing myself-up just to see that smile on her face.It became a routine for both of us during break time for few months..
Then came the exciting day , our annual Sports' meet...i was a good athlete from my school. I did participate in the 200m running race and i managed to come 1st in the semi-finals. My gal who was watching me crossing the finishing line said to her mate " The guy who just won the race , i have very strong feelings for him, i like that guy!!" Now what, fortunately her mate was my friend too, he couldnt hold that with him he came rushing towards me and told me everything..i was awestruck..thought it was my day, may be the days are not so far , for me and her walking in the college campus with hand in hand..aaaaaah what a dream it was....!!! Now this is what i call a terrific coincidence. There is a saying by shahrukh in his recent flick OSO" Agar kisi chees ko tum poore dil se chaho tho poore kaynat usey tumhe milana ne ki koshish mein lag jaathi hai..!" I won 2nd place in the finals and was so happy . Couldnt wait to see that smile on her face..she was rejoicing like hell! I went to collect my prize , i held it up in the air and showed to her trying to tell that it was for her..!!
Now comes the D-day!! I felt that the feeling we both share are very mutual and she might be in fear to express her feelings to me as we had not spoken a single word. So i decided to propose her . I practiced few shayris just to get that feel and to impress her. She got down from the bus, followed her , she turned left n i signaled her to wait .. ..i went and stood in front of my gal and started waving my hands , my throat dried instantly , there was no flow of words, i forgot all those which i had practiced for a very long time..she asked "what???" i closed my eyes and said "I LOVE YOU" ooops i just said it!!!..but what happened after that shall stay with me..i don't want to disclose what happened then....it shall remain till here with you all.....Now whatever i have gone thru ,i am a happy Man !!!
I hope you people will not get a wierd feeling like "WTF man did i really read this crap??"" Just felt like sharing so ..hope it might reminded your first love.....
Hmmm... So as Sharukh says in OSO - "Picture abhi baaki hain mere dost!!"
Sounds filmy.. Though well said.. :-)
But I still remember u said, u had ur "First love" in school, and again '1st love' in high school yet again '1st love' in College, Neighbor, IBM office, so on. Bravo buddy!
Keep it as its always the first love, every time u love.. :P
well that was my first true love!!!! you know....
sumi the way u have expressed it is very fine and it really generates curiosity to the readers. The image is also matching very well. really its very good. keep it up
It does not matter how many first loves you had but which among those was the best shall define the rest..:) Sumi.. now tat U hav made me remember who tat grl was.. I can digest the story in much better way.!
Thank you all for your valuable comments...
Magane illi kuda nin love story na.... bejaar agutho sumi..... Same transformer
Same proposal
Same story.........
i wanted share it to the world.....you know it from past 7 years but my blog mates doesn't know about it.....:-)
Sumanth...its really a wonderfull Story...Wish you a very good luck for your Future...Hope you get the best gal very soon :)
im delighted seeing your response on my post....thank you,,
gud kano.... was vry touchy.... so filmy... but wanno know d clamax....
What happened after that?
Did she accept your LOVE?
Nice narration Sumi...
Keep it up bro!!!
its awesome bro..... very well presented.. it jus reminds me of MP3 movie, which s my damn fav flick:))))
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